

Inquire about the buffer data in a file.


long MbufDiskInquire(FileName, ParamToInquire, UserVarPtr)

char *FileName; File name
long ParamToInquire; Type of information about which to inquire
void *UserVarPtr; Storage location for inquiry result


This function inquires about the buffer data in the specified file on disk.

The FileName parameter specifies the file name. Note, an error occurs if the file does not have a known file format or the file format isn’t supported.

The supported file types are “MIL”, “TIFF” and “RAW”. Since a “RAW” data file does not have any information regarding size or type, you can only use this function to determine the file format of this type of file.

The ParamToInquire parameter specifies the parameter about which to inquire. This parameter can be set to one of the following values:

ParamToInquire Description
M_SIZE_X Width of the data in the file.
M_SIZE_X+M_LUT Width of the LUT associated with the image in the file. If none, returns the buffer width needed to create a LUT for the image.
M_SIZE_Y Height of the data in the file.
M_SIZE_BAND Number of color bands in the file.
M_SIZE_BAND+M_LUT Number of bands of the LUT associated with the image in the file. If none, returns the number of bands needed to create a LUT for the image.
M_TYPE File data type (size in bits + M_SIGNED or M_UNSIGNED).
M_SIZE_BIT File data depth in bits.
M_SIGN File data range (M_SIGNED or M_UNSIGNED).
M_ATTRIBUTE File attribute.
M_FILE_FORMAT MIL identifier (MIL_ID) of the file format.
M_LUT_PRESENT Presence of LUT data in the file. (M_YES or M_NO)
M_ASPECT_RATIO Aspect ratio of the image in the file. (default is 1:1)

For M_KERNEL and M_STRUCT_ELEMENT data buffers only (see MbufControlNeighborhood for possible values)

M_OVERSCAN_REPLACE_VALUE Overscan replace value.
M_OFFSET_CENTER_X Offset center X coordinate.
M_OFFSET_CENTER_Y Offset center Y coordinate.

For M_KERNEL data buffers only (see MbufControlNeighborhood for possible values)

M_ABSOLUTE_VALUE Absolute value flag.
M_SATURATION Saturation flag.
M_NORMALIZATION_FACTOR Normalization factor.

The UserVarPtr parameter specifies the address of the variable in which the requested information is to be written. When M_FILE_FORMAT is specified, this parameter should be a pointer to a MIL_ID; otherwise, it should be a pointer to a long. Since the MbufDiskInquire function also returns the requested information, you can set this parameter to M_NULL.

Returned value

The returned value is the requested information setting, cast to long. If the requested information is not available, M_INVALID is returned.

See also

MbufLoad, MbufImport