

Load MIL file format data from a file into a data buffer.


void MbufLoad(FileName, BufId)

char *FileName; Source file name
MIL_ID BufId; Destination buffer identifier


This function loads data from a file into a previously allocated data buffer. The data must have been stored in the file with MbufSave or MbufExport.

Note, you can perform the same operation as MbufLoad by using MbufImport with its FileFormatBufId parameter set to M_DEFAULT and its Operation parameter set to M_LOAD.

The FileName parameter specifies the name of file from which to load the data buffer.

The BufId parameter specifies the identifier of the destination buffer . This buffer must be big enough in depth and dimensions to hold the data; if not, some data is clipped. For example, if the data is deeper than the buffer, the most-significant bits of the data are not written. If the buffer is larger in depth or dimensions than the data, exceeding areas of the buffer are unaffected.

When loading an image file that was saved with an associated LUT (color palette), the LUT is also loaded and associated with the destination image buffer. You can obtain the identifier of the associated LUT, using MbufInquire.

See also

MbufImport, MbufExport, MbufSave, MbufRestore, MbufInquire, MbufControl