

Pan and scroll a display.


void MdispPan(DisplayId, XOffset, YOffset)

MIL_ID DisplayId; Display identifier
long XOffset; X pixel offset relative to top-left corner of buffer
long YOffset; Y pixel offset relative to top-left corner of buffer


This function associates pan and scroll values with the specified display. When an image buffer is selected for display, it will be panned and scrolled on the display according to these values.

The DisplayId parameter specifies the identifier of the display.

The XOffset and YOffset parameters specify the respective number of pixels by which to pan and scroll an image buffer when it is displayed. Specify the pan and scroll in relation to the top-left corner of the image buffer. Specify a positive XOffset value to pan the image to the left, a positive YOffset value to scroll the image upwards.

Note, the offsets are in image pixels (not screen pixels), so they are not affected by the current zoom factor. For example, if the display has an associated zoom factor 4, panning by an offset of one image pixel results in panning by 4 on the display.


Hardware limitations:

  • Some hardware systems do not support panning and some only support certain panning values.

See also


