Set the font scale of a graphics context.
void MgraFontScale(GraphContId, XFontScale, YFontScale)
MIL_ID GraphContId; | Graphics context identifier |
double XFontScale; | Font scaling factor in X |
double YFontScale; | Font scaling factor in Y |
This function sets the font scale of the specified graphics context for use with subsequent MgraText function calls.
The GraphContId parameter specifies the identifier of the graphics context for which to set the font scale. This parameter can be set to M_DEFAULT, in which case the default graphics context of the current MIL application is used.
The XFontScale and YFontScale parameters are used to multiply the width and height of the font characters, respectively. Each of these parameters can be independently set to any positive floating point value. The default X and Y scale factors are 1.0.
Note, using a font with a scale of 1.0 accelerates text drawing.
See also