

Inquire about the graphic parameters.


void MgraInquire(GraphContId, ParamToInquire, UserVarPtr)

MIL_ID GraphContId; Graphics context identifier
long InquireType; Graphic parameter to inquire
void *UserVarPtr; Storage location for inquiry result


This function inquires about a graphic parameter in the specified graphics context.

The GraphContId parameter specifies the identifier of the graphics context on which to perform the inquiry. This parameter can be set to M_DEFAULT, in which case the default graphics context of the current MIL application is used.

The InquireType parameter specifies the graphic parameter about which to inquire. This parameter can be set to one of the following values:

InquireType Description
M_COLOR Foreground color.
M_BACKCOLOR Background color.
M_BACKGROUND_MODE Background mode.
M_FONT Character font.
M_FONT_X_SCALE Font scaling factor in X.
M_FONT_Y_SCALE Font scaling factor in Y.
M_OWNER_SYSTEM MIL identifier (MIL_ID) of the system on which the graphics context has been allocated (MgraAlloc).

The UserVarPtr parameter specifies the address of the variable in which the requested information is to be written.

This variable should be defined as follows:

InquireType Pointer to a:
M_COLOR double *
M_BACKCOLOR double *
M_FONT void *
M_FONT_X_SCALE double *
M_FONT_Y_SCALE double *

See also

MgraColor, MgraBackColor, MgraFont, MgraFontScale

