

Save an existing font to disk.


void MocrSaveFont(FileName, Operation, FontId)

char *FileName; Font file name
long Operation; Operation flag
MIL_ID FontId; Font identifier


This function saves an existing font to disk using the MIL font file format. The font’s control, constraint and/or character data can all be saved; which data is saved depends on the value of the Operation parameter.

The FileName parameter specifies the file to which font data will be saved. If the font file already exists, its entire contents will be overwritten.

The Operation parameter specifies which data to save to disk. The font character data contains the grayscale representation of each character in the font. The font control data includes such settings as target character size and spacing. The font constraint data specifies which characters can appear at given positions in the search string. The Operation parameter can take one of the following values:

M_SAVE Save all font data.
M_SAVE_CONSTRAINT Save only font character constraint data.
M_SAVE_CONTROL Save only font control data.

The FontId parameter specifies the buffer identifier of the font to be saved.

See also?

MocrAllocFont, MocrRestoreFont, MocrImportFont, MocrCopyFont, MocrControl, MocrSetConstraint

