

Verify a known string in an image.


void MocrVerifyString(ImageBufId, FontId, String, OcrResultId)

MIL_ID ImageBufId; Image buffer identifier
MIL_ID FontId; Font buffer identifier
char *String; Character string to be verified
MIL_ID OcrResultId; OCR result buffer identifier


This function verifies that a known string can be properly read using the specified font. It can be used to quickly determine whether a known string is present in the target image, and to evaluate its quality. This operation can be performed more quickly with MocrVerifyString than with MocrReadString. After verification, the specified result buffer contains a Pass/Fail flag and a confidence score. The user can obtain results from the result buffer with the MocrGetResult function.

The ImageBufId parameter specifies the buffer identifier of the target image containing the string to be verified.

The FontId parameter specifies the buffer identifier of the font to use to verify the string in the target image.

The String parameter contains the character string to be verified.

The OcrResultId parameter identifies the OCR result buffer in which to place the verification results.

See also

MocrReadString, MocrGetResult

