

Set the pattern matching acceptance level.


void MpatSetAcceptance(ModelId, AcceptanceThreshold)

MIL_ID ModelId; Identifier of model to be affected
double AcceptanceThreshold; Minimum acceptable correlation (in percent)


This function sets the acceptance level for a match made with the specified model when it is sought in an image. If the correlation (match score) between the image and the model is less than this level, it is not considered a match (an occurrence). The default acceptance is set when the model is allocated.

The ModelId parameter specifies the identifier of the model for which to change the acceptance threshold search parameter.

The AcceptanceThreshold parameter specifies the acceptance level, as a percentage. A perfect match is 100%, no correlation is 0%. The match score depends on the image quality. You should experiment to decide what is a typical match score for your application.


For example, to find all models that have a match score above 60%, you would have to set the model’s number of occurrences parameter and acceptance parameter as follows (note, in this example, the model (ModelId) is assumed to have been allocated):

MpatSetNumber(ModelId, M_ALL);
MpatSetAcceptance(ModelId, 60.0);

See also

MpatSetNumber, MpatSetCertainty

