

Set the pattern matching certainty level.


void MpatSetCertainty(ModelId, CertaintyThreshold)

MIL_ID ModelId; Identifier of model to be affected
double CertaintyThreshold; Certainty level (in percent)


This function sets the certainty level for a match made with the specified model when it is sought in an image. If the correlation (match score) between the image and the model is equal to or greater than the certainty level, a match is assumed without looking elsewhere in the image for a better match. The default certainty level is set when the model is allocated (MpatAllocAutoModel or MpatAllocModel).

The ModelId parameter specifies the identifier of the model for which to change the certainty threshold search parameter.

The CertaintyThreshold parameter specifies the certainty level, as a percentage. If you set the certainty level too high (close to 100%), you slow down the search because you force the search algorithm to check the whole search area for the best match. A good certainty level is slightly lower than the expected score, so that the search can finish as soon as the match is found. However, if you set the certainty level too low, false matches might be found.

See also

MpatSetNumber, MpatSetAcceptance, MpatAllocAutoModel, MpatAllocModel

