

Translate an image in X and/or Y.


void MimTranslate(SrcImageBufId, DestImageBufId, XDisplacement, YDisplacement, InterpolationMode)

MIL_ID SrcImageBufId; Source image buffer identifier
MIL_ID DestImageBufId; Destination image buffer identifier
double XDisplacement; Displacement in X
double YDisplacement; Displacement in Y
long InterpolationMode; Mode of interpolation


This function translates the source image position by the specified amount, writing results to the destination buffer. This function can be used to align images to subpixel accuracy before, for example, subtracting them.

The SrcImageBufId parameter specifies the identifier of the image data source. This parameter must be given an image buffer identifier.

The DestImageBufId parameter specifies the identifier of the destination of the results. This parameter must be given an image buffer identifier.

The XDisplacement and YDisplacement parameters specify the amount by which to displace the source image. These parameters can be set to any positive or negative value. Any pixels shifted into the image from outside the source buffer are undefined.

The InterpolationMode parameter specifies the mode of interpolation. This parameter can be set to:

M_DEFAULT Bilinear interpolation.