

Inquire about a display parameter.


long MdispInquire(DisplayId, ParamToInquire, UserVarPtr)

MIL_ID DisplayId; Display identifier
long InquireType; Display parameter to inquire
void *UserVarPtr; Storage location for inquired information


This function inquires about a specified display parameter setting.

The DisplayId parameter specifies the identifier of the display.

The InquireType parameter specifies the display parameter about which to inquire. This parameter can be set to one of the following values:

InquireType Description
M_OWNER_SYSTEM The identifier of the system on which the display has been allocated (MdispAlloc).
M_NATIVE_ID The display’s native identifier, if any.
M_NUMBER Display rank in the system (MdispAlloc).
M_FORMAT Display data format (MdispAlloc).
M_FORMAT_SIZE Number of characters in the data format string (MdispAlloc).
M_INIT_FLAG Display initialization flag (MdispAlloc).
M_SELECTED The identifier of the image buffer currently displayed. M_NULL is returned if no buffer is currently being displayed. (MdispSelect).
M_LUT_ID The identifier of the LUT associated with the display (MdispLut).
M_PAN_X Pan X pixel offset (MdispPan).
M_PAN_Y Pan Y pixel offset (MdispPan).
M_ZOOM_X Zoom factor in X (MdispZoom).
M_ZOOM_Y Zoom factor in Y(MdispZoom).
M_KEY_SUPPORTED System support of true keying
(M_YES or M_NO).
M_KEY_MODE State of keying mode (MdispOverlayKey). M_DEFAULT if keying is not present or not yet enabled.
M_KEY_CONDITION Keying condition (MdispOverlayKey). M_DEFAULT if keying is not present or not yet enabled.
M_KEY_MASK Keying mask (MdispOverlayKey). M_DEFAULT if keying is not present or not yet enabled.
M_KEY_COLOR Keying color (MdispOverlayKey). M_DEFAULT if keying is not present or not yet enabled.
M_SIZE_X Display width.
M_SIZE_Y Display height.
M_SIZE_BAND Number of color bands of the display.
M_SIZE_BAND_LUT Number of color bands of the output LUT (if any) associated with the display.
M_SIZE_BIT Number of bits (depth) of the display.
M_SIGN Display data range (M_UNSIGNED).
M_TYPE Display data type
(number of bits + M_UNSIGNED).
M_DISPLAY_MODE Display mode. M_WINDOWED if the display object is bounded by a movable frame or M_NON_WINDOWED.
M_WINDOW_HANDLE Windows handle (HWND) of the display window.
M_WINDOW_DDRAW_SURFACE Pointer to the DirectDraw primary surface (LPDDRAWSURFACE) used by a display window (if any) or M_NULL.
M_WINDOW_DIB_HEADER Pointer to the header (LPBITMAPINFO) of the DIB buffer associated with the display window (if any) or M_NULL.
M_WINDOW_OFFSET_X Display window client area offset X, relative to the top left of the screen.
M_WINDOW_OFFSET_Y Display window client area offset Y, relative to the top left of the screen.
M_WINDOW_SIZE_X Display window client area width.
M_WINDOW_SIZE_Y Display window client area height.
M_WINDOW_PAN_X Display window horizontal scroll bar position.
M_WINDOW_PAN_Y Display window vertical scroll bar position.
M_WINDOW_ZOOM_X Window zoom X factor (controlled by zoom buttons).
M_WINDOW_ZOOM_Y Window zoom Y factor (controlled by zoom buttons).
M_WINDOW_ZOOM State of display window zooming
M_WINDOW_MOVE State of display window moving
M_WINDOW_RESIZE State of display window resizing
M_WINDOW_OVERLAP State of display window overlapping
M_WINDOW_TITLE_BAR Title bar presence
M_WINDOW_TITLE_BAR_CHANGE State of title bar changing
M_WINDOW_TITLE_NAME Window title string pointer.
M_WINDOW_TITLE_NAME_SIZE Number of characters in the window’s title string.
M_WINDOW_MENU_BAR Title bar presence
M_WINDOW_MENU_BAR_CHANGE State of menu bar changing
M_WINDOW_SCROLLBAR Scroll bar presence
M_WINDOW_UPDATE State of window update
M_WINDOW_SYSBUTTON System button presence
M_WINDOW_MINBUTTON Minimize button presence
M_WINDOW_MAXBUTTON Maximize button presence
M_WINDOW_COLOR Force a constant background color (M_ENABLE or M_DISABLE).
M_WINDOW_COLOR_CHANGE Current constant color.
M_WINDOW_OVR_WRITE Direct overlay drawing mode
M_WINDOW_OVR_BUF_ID Identifier of the overlay buffer associated with the buffer selected on the display or M_NULL.
M_WINDOW_OVR_DISP_ID Identifier of the overlay display associated with the underlay display or M_NULL.
M_WINDOW_OVR_SHOW Visible state of the overlay (M_ENABLE or M_DISABLE).
M_WINDOW_OVR_LUT LUT associated with the overlay display.
M_WINDOW_BUF_WRITE State of direct display-surface writing (M_ENABLE or M_DISABLE).
M_WINDOW_BUF_ID Identifier of the display surface buffer associated with the buffer selected on the display or M_NULL.
M_WINDOW_CLIP_LIST_SIZE Window clip list size to allocate.
M_WINDOW_CLIP_LIST Window clip list pointer (LPRGNDATA).
M_FRAME_START_HANDLER_PTR Handler pointer hooked using MdispHookFunction to the start of a displayed frame (MdispSelect).
M_FRAME_START_HANDLER_USER_PTR User pointer hooked using MdispHookFunction to the start of a displayed frame (MdispSelect).

The UserVarPtr parameter specifies the address of the variable in which the requested information is to be written. Since the MdispInquire function also returns the requested information, you can set this parameter to M_NULL instead of passing the address of the variable.

This variable should be a pointer to a long except for InquireType types: M_OWNER_SYSTEM, M_SELECTED, and M_LUT_ID, in which case this variable should be a pointer to a MIL_ID.

Returned value

The returned value is the requested display parameter setting, cast to long.

See also

MdispAlloc, MdispSelect, MdispPan, MdispOverlayKey, MdispZoom

