

Set OCR processing controls.


void MocrControl(FontId, ControlToSet, Value)

MIL_ID FontId; Font buffer identifier
long ControlType; Type of control to set
double ControlValue; Value of control parameter


This function sets various OCR controls for the read/verify operation, such as inter-character spacing, etc.

The FontId parameter specifies the identifier of the font with which to associate the control settings.

The ControlType and ControlValue parameters together specify the type and value of control to set.

ControlType Description ControlValue
M_STRING_ACCEPTANCE Minimum acceptance score for successful read/verification of string (default is 1 %). 0 – 100%
M_CHAR_ACCEPTANCE Minimum acceptance score for successful read/verification of an individual character (default is 1 %). 0 – 100%
M_CHAR_INVALID Symbol for unrecognized characters (set to M_NULL when no special character is desired). Default is M_NULL. 0 – 255
M_TARGET_CHAR_SPACING Specifies inter-character spacing (also set by calibration with MocrCalibrateFont). > 1
M_TARGET_CHAR_SIZE_X Specifies target character X size (also set by calibration with MocrCalibrateFont). > 1
M_TARGET_CHAR_SIZE_Y Specifies target character Y size (also set by calibration with MocrCalibrateFont). > 1
M_CHAR_ERASE Specifies the character to erase from the font. Any character present in the font.
M_SKIP_CONTRAST_ENHANCE Skip contrast enhancement step (default is M_DISABLE). M_ENABLE or M_DISABLE
M_SKIP_STRING_LOCATION Skip string location step (default is M_DISABLE). M_ENABLE or M_DISABLE
M_ROBUSTNESS Specifies the robustness/speed factor (default is M_MEDIUM).
M_VERY_HIGH: most reliable but slow
M_HIGH: reliable for noisy images
M_MEDIUM: default setting
M_LOW: fast for good images
M_VERY_LOW: very fast but least reliable

See also


