

Grab data continuously from an input device.


void MdigGrabContinuous(DigId, DestImageBufId)

MIL_ID DigId; Digitizer identifier
MIL_ID DestImageBufId; Destination image buffer identifier


This function uses the specified digitizer to continuously acquire frames of data from the specified input device (generally a camera) and stores this data in the destination image buffer, until MdigHalt is called.

When acquiring data from a line-scan type of input device, each line of the destination image buffer is filled from top to bottom or a single line is grabbed, depending on the data format specification passed to MdigAlloc. The operation will only end when the entire buffer has been filled.

When grabbing in color, the destination image buffer must have the same number of color bands (in general three) as the digitizer; all bands will be filled simultaneously.

The DigId parameter specifies the identifier of the digitizer.

The DestImageBufId parameter specifies the identifier of the destination image buffer.


Hardware limitations:

On certain platforms, MdigHalt must be called before another grab operation; otherwise, errors can occur.

See also

MdigHalt, MdigGrab, MdigControl

