Draw a rectangle.
void MgraRect(GraphContId, DestImageBufId, XStart, YStart, XEnd, YEnd)
MIL_ID GraphContId; | Graphics context identifier |
MIL_ID DestImageBufId; | Destination image buffer identifier |
long XStart; | X-coordinate of top-left rectangle corner |
long YStart; | Y-coordinate of top-left rectangle corner |
long XEnd; | X-coordinate of bottom-right rectangle corner |
long YEnd; | Y-coordinate of bottom-right rectangle corner |
This function draws a rectangle starting from the specified top-left coordinate to the specified bottom-right corner. The rectangle is drawn in the foreground color specified in the graphics context.
The GraphContId parameter specifies the identifier of the graphics context. This parameter can be set to M_DEFAULT, in which case the default graphics context of the current MIL application is used.
The DestImageBufId parameter specifies the identifier of the buffer in which to draw. This parameter must be given a valid image buffer identifier.
The XStart and YStart parameters specify the coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle, XEnd and YEnd specify the coordinates of the bottom-right corner. The given coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the specified target buffer. They should be valid in the specified buffer; otherwise, the rectangle is clipped outside the buffer boundaries.
See also